The Future of Gold and Silver in Canada: Trends and Predictions


Gold and silver are of great importance to the Canadian economy due to their various roles and contributions. These include:

  • Mining:
    The GDP, employment, and regional development of Canada are substantially influenced by the gold and silver mining industries.

  • Export Revenue:
    Gold and silver exports from Canada bring in foreign cash and improve the country’s trade balance.

  • Investment and Financial Markets:
    Canadian investors and financial institutions aggressively trade and hold these precious metals as safe-haven assets.

  • Jewelry and Luxury Goods:
    The jewelry business makes great use of gold and silver to draw customers and assist the retail and tourist industries.

  • Industrial Applications:
    Gold and silver are valuable in sectors including electronics, healthcare, telecommunications, and automobiles because of their special qualities.

  • Government Reserves:
    The Canadian government’s gold and silver holdings help to maintain financial and economic security.

Factors Affecting the Price of Gold and Silver in Canada

There are several factors that contribute to the ever-changing prices of Calgary gold and silver. Some of those include: 

1. Worldwide Supply and Demand

Price variations are significantly influenced by the equilibrium between the worldwide supply and demand for gold and silver. The entire dynamics of supply and demand are influenced by variables including mining output levels, central bank stockpiling, industrial demand, and investor mood.

2. Economic Situation

The price of gold and silver is influenced by both domestic and international economic conditions. The prices of these precious metals can be affected by economic variables such as inflation, interest rates, GDP growth, currency strength, and geopolitical unpredictability.

3. Investor Sentiment and Speculation

Significant price changes for gold and silver can result from investor sentiment and behaviour in the financial markets. Speculative purchasing or selling can result from investor demand, which is fueled by elements including risk aversion, market volatility, and the idea that gold and silver are safe-haven assets.

4. Currency Fluctuations

The price of gold and silver in Canada can fluctuate depending on how the Canadian dollar is valued in relation to other important currencies. For Canadian gold buyers, gold and silver are often more costly when the Canadian currency is weak, while the opposite is true when the Canadian dollar is strong.

5. Central Bank Policies

The monetary policy and interest rate policies of central banks, in particular, can have an influence on the values of gold and silver. 

Changes in interest rates and the impression of impending inflationary pressures may have an impact on investor demand for certain metals.

6. Geopolitical Factors

Uncertainties and changes in investor attitude can be caused by political instability, wars, trade disputes, and other geopolitical events. Prices may fluctuate as a result of these reasons, pushing investors toward safe-haven assets like gold and silver.

7. Technological developments

The cost and productivity of producing gold and silver can be affected by improvements in mining equipment, extraction methods, and refining procedures. Technological advancements may alter manufacturing costs and supply levels, which would therefore affect pricing.

8. Market Speculation and Manipulation

Like any other financial market, the gold and silver markets are susceptible to manipulation and speculative activity, which may result in short-term price volatility. Prices can be impacted by large trades, market rumors, and the behavior of key market players.

Given their role as commodities that are sold worldwide, it is significant to highlight that the price of gold and silver in Canada is likewise impacted by conditions in the global market. Making educated judgments about gold and silver investments requires an understanding of these aspects and how they interact.

2023 Trends and Predictions

The price of gold and silver will continue to increase in Canada by 2023. As of May 21, 2023, the price of gold is $1,977.71 per ounce, while the price of silver is $23.844. These figures indicate growth of 8.41% and 1.51%, respectively, since the year’s beginning.

Here are some estimates for gold and silver prices in Canada in 2023:

  • $2,000-$2,100 per ounce for gold
  • $25-$30 per ounce for silver.

Here are some variables that may influence the price of gold and silver in 2023:

  • Inflation:
    If inflation keeps rising, prices may rise as investors seek out assets that might help them protect their money from inflation.

  • Geopolitical Tensions:
    As investors look for secure assets, the price of gold and silver may increase if geopolitical tensions continue to escalate.

  • Interest Rates:
    Should the Bank of Canada increase interest rates in 2023, it could render monetary borrowing more expensive and slow down the pace of economic growth. As a result, investors would be seeking assets that might shield their wealth from inflation and financial turmoil, which could enhance demand for gold and silver.

It is crucial to keep in mind that these are merely estimates and that there is always a chance that the price of gold and silver might go either higher or lower. If you’re looking to sell gold in Calgary, Smart Gold is the place to be.

We are a well-known and reputed gold buyer in Calgary. Get in touch with us for a fair evaluation, today!